Spring is finally here to stay (yay!) so I thought I would give the blog a little make over. I have been wanting to change the layout for awhile but just was not sure what to do. I think I like it. I do like my new header picture. It is really making me want to sew something in linen soon.
The sewing nook enjoyed some spring cleaning a couple weeks ago...but it needs it again. It is so hard to keep it neat and tidy when I am in the middle of sewing a bunch of things. I am working on trying to keep more organized while I sew. My fabric stash managed to stay nice and neat so I am happy about that! It took me two days to get my stash under control. I had a lot of ironing to do but it was well worth it!
KCW wrapped up on Sunday and I didn't finish all that I wanted. Oh well....Sunday was a beautiful day and the kids wanted to play outside and I could not resist joining them! We ran around the backyard and played hide and go seek - which by the way is hilarious with a three year old! I had to pretend a lot that I didn't see him ;) We stayed outside until it was time for dinner and then it was bath time and then story time and then bedtime for all of us - so no sewing got done. I am really glad that I spent the day playing with my kiddies instead of sewing. They grow up so fast and sometimes I need to remember to just slow down, stop what I am doing and enjoy them while they are little. I know all too soon they will just want to hang with their friends and I don't want to look back and wish I had spent time running in the yard with them. I want to look back and remember that I did.
Thanks for stopping by!